Véda vegetarian&vegan
4,5 (176)
About this business
Patrícia ..
Tuesday 05 November 2024Quality
Delivery time
Niečo muselo byt stare nejska surovina v jedle, prehnalo ma z toho jedla a preháňa ma stále, snáď to neni otrava jedlom :(
Samuel U.
Tuesday 19 December 2023Lenka K.
Monday 27 November 2023Quality
Delivery time
žial som nedostala to čo som si objednala , chýbal cviklový salat a zeleninove medailonky
Daniel L.
Tuesday 17 October 2023Elena
Tuesday 10 October 2023Elena
Tuesday 10 October 2023Ľubica B.
Tuesday 10 October 2023Erika T.
Sunday 18 June 2023Veronika K.
Tuesday 14 March 2023Quality
Delivery time
Gulicky v mango omacke boli famozne!
Natalia B.
Wednesday 01 March 2023Delivery times
10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
Closed for delivery
Closed for delivery
A 0,45 € service charge will be added to this order. It will allow us to keep making improvements to our service and your order experience.
Informácie o prevádzke
Payment methods
Véda vegetarian&vegan
VÉDA Bratislava, s. r. o.
Žilinská 2955/2
81106 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Registry: Obchodný register Mestského súdu Bratislava III, oddiel: Sro, vložka č. 101362/B
Registry Number: 47959550
Platform of the EU-Commission for online dispute resolution: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
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