Pizzéria Hruška

1131 ratings
Minimum order value from 5,00 €
Delivery price from 0,00 € to 4,00 €
Delivery time from 55 to 65 min.
  • Daily menu
  • Appetizers
  • Soups
  • Pizza
  • Stangl
  • Burgers
  • Main courses
  • Side dishes
  • Salads
  • Our specialities
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Non-alcoholic drinks

Daily menu

Menu ŠALÁT: Kurací šalát(1,7,10)
6.50 €
300g, kuracie mäso, ľadový šalát paradajka, paprika, uhorka, kukurica, rukola, jogurtový dresing, cibuľa, pizza pečivo + Polievka: tomato 0,5l / garlic soup with crutons 0,5l
6.50 €
Menu ŠALÁT: Tuniakový šalát(1,4)
6.50 €
300g, ľadový šalát, tuniak, paradajka, paprika, uhorka, kukurica, cibuľa, pizza pečivo + Polievka: tomato 0,5l / garlic soup with crutons 0,5l
6.50 €
Menu Pizza: Pizza Sálami(1,7)
6.50 €
380g, paradajkový základ, syr Mozzarella, saláma + Polievka: tomato 0,5l / garlic soup with crutons 0,5l
6.50 €
Menu Pizza: Pizza Fiorentina(1,7)
6.50 €
380g, paradajkový základ, syr Mozzarella, šunka + Polievka: tomato 0,5l / garlic soup with crutons 0,5l
6.50 €
Menu Pizza: Pizza Margherita(1,7)
6.50 €
330g, paradajkový základ, syr Mozzarella, bazalka + Polievka: tomato 0,5l / garlic soup with crutons 0,5l
6.50 €
Menu Pizza: Pizza Verdura(1,7)
6.50 €
400g, paradajkový základ, syr Mozzarella, zelenina + Polievka: tomato 0,5l / garlic soup with crutons 0,5l
6.50 €
Hlavné jedlá: Diabolské soté(1)
6.50 €
100g, kuracie mäso, ryža + Polievka: tomato 0,5l / garlic soup with crutons 0,5l
6.50 €
Hlavné jedlá: Prírodný kurací rezeň, ryža(1)
6.50 €
100g, + Polievka: tomato 0,5l / garlic soup with crutons 0,5l
6.50 €
Hlavné jedlá: Penne broccoli(1,3,7)
6.50 €
400g, brokolica, kuracie mäso, smotana, tvrdý syr + Polievka: tomato 0,5l / garlic soup with crutons 0,5l
6.50 €
Hlavné jedlá: Špagety Carbonara(1,3,7)
6.50 €
300g, smotana, slanina, žĺtok, tvrdý syr + Polievka: tomato 0,5l / garlic soup with crutons 0,5l
6.50 €


1. Pizza bread with tomato sauce(1)
3.00 €
pizza bread with tomato sauce, garlic
3.00 €
2. Pizza bread with garlic(1)
3.00 €
pizza bread with garlic, rosemary
3.00 €


Garlic broth with croutons
2.50 €
2.50 €
Tomato soup with cheese(7)
3.00 €
3.00 €


Pizza MIX(1,7)
8.50 €
500g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, ham, hot salami, bacon, mutton horns, mushrooms, corn, onion
8.50 €
Pizza Quattro Stagione(1,4,7)
8.00 €
500g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, tuna, ham, pineapple, broccoli, corn
8.00 €
Pizza Hruška(1,7)
8.50 €
500g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, bacon, hot salami, corn, mushrooms
8.50 €
Pizza Fries(1,7)
8.00 €
500g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, french fries
8.00 €
3. Pizza Margharita(1,7)
6.50 €
430g, tomato sauce, cheese Mozzarella, basil
6.50 €
4. Pizza Quattro formaggi(1,7)
7.50 €
475g, tomato sauce, 4 kinds of cheese
7.50 €
5. Pizza Con tonno(1,7)
7.50 €
505g, tomato sauce, Mozzarella cheese, tuna, onions
7.50 €
6. Pizza Salami(1,7)
7.00 €
480g, tomato sauce, Mozzarella cheese, salami
7.00 €
7. Pizza Fiorentina(1,7)
7.00 €
480g, tomato sauce, Mozzarella cheese, ham
7.00 €
8. Pizza Diavolo(1,7)
7.50 €
510g, tomato sauce, Mozzarella cheese, salami, chilli, pickled peppers
7.50 €
9. Pizza Hawai(1,7)
7.50 €
530g, tomato sauce, Mozzarella cheese, ham, pineapple
7.50 €
10. Pizza Prosciotto - Funghi(1,7)
7.50 €
500g, tomato sauce, Mozzarella cheese, ham, mushrooms
7.50 €
11. Pizza Parma(1,7)
8.50 €
465g, tomato sauce, Mozzarella cheese, dried ham, arugula
8.50 €
12. Pizza Rusticale(1,7)
8.50 €
510g, tomato sauce, Mozzarella cheese, bacon, mushrooms, onion
8.50 €
13. Pizza Calzone Kapsa(1,7)
8.50 €
505g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, ham, mushrooms
8.50 €
14. Pizza Verdura(1,7)
7.00 €
500g, tomato sauce, Mozzarella cheese, vegetables
7.00 €
15. pizza Speciale(1,7)
7.50 €
480g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, ham, salami, champignons
7.50 €
16. Pizza Ham with broccoli(1,7)
7.50 €
480g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, ham, broccoli
7.50 €
17. Pizza Salami with corn(1,7)
7.50 €
500g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, salami, corn
7.50 €
18. Pizza Chicken(1,7)
8.50 €
480g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, chicken meat, corn, onion
8.50 €
20. Pizza Mexican(1,7)
8.50 €
500g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, bean, corn, salami, chilli, picked peppers
8.50 €
21. Pizza Reeve(1,7)
8.50 €
500g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, bacon, sausage, onion
8.50 €
Pizza Kebab(1,7)
8.50 €
500g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, chicken, tomato, corn, onion, garlic
8.50 €


24th Bacon(1,7)
7.00 €
300g, Mozzarella cheese, bacon
7.00 €
25. Raw(1,7)
6.00 €
300g, Mozzarella cheese, garlic
6.00 €
26. garlic(1,7)
6.00 €
300g, Mozzarella cheese
6.00 €


Bacon burger in a homemade bun
9.00 €
400g, bacon, salad, tomato, cucumber, onion, mustard, ketchup, french fries
9.00 €
27. Beef burger in a homemade bun(1,7,10)
9.00 €
400g, beef, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onion, mustard, ketchup, fries
9.00 €
28. Chicken Burger in a homemade bun(1,7,10)
8.50 €
400g, chicken meat, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onion, mustard, ketchup, fries
8.50 €

Main courses

30. Chicken wings(1)
7.00 €
300g, pizza bread
7.00 €
31. Devil's sauté(1)
7.00 €
mushrooms, ketchup, chili, onion, bacon, chicken breast, garlic
7.00 €
32. Fried cheese(1,3,7)
5.50 €
5.50 €
Spaghetti Carbonara(1,3,7)
8.00 €
400g, cream, bacon, yolk, hard cheese
8.00 €
Kebab plate(7,10)
8.50 €
chicken meat 150g, vegetable garnish /lettuce, tomato, pepper, onion, cucumber, corn/, french fries, garlic dressing
8.50 €
Penne broccoli(1,3,7)
8.00 €
400g, broccoli, chicken, cream, hard cheese
8.00 €

Side dishes

34. Fries
2.50 €
2.50 €