Stará Kotolňa

1601 ratings
Minimum order value from 10,00 €
Delivery price from 1,00 € to 3,50 €
Delivery time from 85 to 95 min.
  • Best selling products
  • Special offer
  • Daily menu Friday
  • Pizza
  • Soups
  • Main dishes
  • Small meals
  • Specialty Stará Kotolňa
  • Grill box
  • Hamburger menu
  • Pasta
  • Side dishes
  • Sauces and dressings
  • Salads
  • Desserts and sweet dishes
  • Draft drinks
  • Daily menu Monday
  • Daily menu Thursday

Best selling products

Classic beef burger(1,7,10,11)
12.90 €
300/150g, bun, beef, Dijon mayonnaise, BBQ sauce, Cheddar cheese, onion, grilled bacon, tomato, cucumber, polnicek
12.90 €
21, Pizza sticks(1)
3.90 €
3.90 €
Homemade chicken broth(1,9)
3.90 €
0,33l, with meat and noodles
3.90 €
6, Pizza Classic(1,7)
8.40 €
630g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, ham, mushrooms, corn
8.40 €
Bean soup(1,9)
5.50 €
0,4l, smoked meat and vegetables
5.50 €

Special offer

Strong deer goulash on black beer with Karlovy Vary dumpling and red onion(1,3,7)
14.50 €
14.50 €
Pork tenderloin steak wrapped in prosciutto, truffle sauce, sweet peas, country style fries(7)
15.50 €
15.50 €
Spaghetti in cream with pieces of beef tenderloin and grilled shrimp(1,2,7)
17.50 €
17.50 €
Veal burger(1,7,10)
16.50 €
290g, 150g ground veal neck, melted beer cheese, pickle, caramelized onion, Dijon honey mayonnaise, fries
16.50 €

Daily menu Friday

Menu 1: Pečené kačacie prsia, šípková omáčka, štuchané zemiaky, šalátik(1)
9.50 €
9.50 €
Menu 2: Zemiakový prívarok s pečenou mäsovou fašírkou, volským okom a kváskovým chlebom(1,3,7)
8.90 €
8.90 €
Menu 3: Pizza "Olívia" (smotana, mozzarella, chorizo, paradajka, čierne olivy)(1,7)
8.50 €
8.50 €
Menu 6: Penne v syrovom kréme s rukolou a parmezánom(1,7)
8.50 €
8.50 €
Menu 5: Kurací "cézar" wrap (tortilla, vyprážané kuracie stripsy, cézar dresing, rímsky šalát, slaninka, parmezán), tenké hranolky(1,3,4,7,10)
8.90 €
8.90 €
Menu 4: Miešané šalátové listy, grilovaný hermelín, brusnice, toast(1,7,10)
8.50 €
8.50 €


1. Margitka Pizza(1,7)
7.40 €
530g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, basil
7.40 €
2. Pizza Ham(1,7)
7.90 €
550g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, ham
7.90 €
3. Pizza Salami(1,7)
7.90 €
590g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, salami
7.90 €
4, Pineapple Pizza(1,7)
8.20 €
640g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, ham, pineapple
8.20 €
5, Pizza Weak beer(1,7)
8.20 €
600g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, ham, corn
8.20 €
6, Pizza Classic(1,7)
8.40 €
630g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, ham, mushrooms, corn
8.40 €
7, Pizza Fish delicacy(1,4,7)
8.40 €
510g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, tuna, onion
8.40 €
8, Pizza Sellácka(1,7)
8.90 €
600g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, bacon, salami, sausage, onion, pepperoni
8.90 €
9, Jalapeño pizza(1,7)
8.30 €
590g, tomato base, mozzarella cheese, chorizo, jalapeño
8.30 €
10, Pizza Nitránska(1,7)
11.50 €
700g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, bacon, sausage, ham, corn, mushrooms, pepperoni, onion, olives, Mozzarella cheese
11.50 €
11, Pizza Italy(1,7)
9.50 €
550g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, dried ham, arugula, Parmesan cheese
9.50 €
13, Pizza Olívia(1,7)
8.50 €
580g, cream base, Mozzarella cheese, salam, tomato, black olives
8.50 €
14, Pizza without mass(1,7)
8.40 €
590g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, mushrooms, corn, onion, olives, gentian cheese
8.40 €
15, Pizza Alexandra(1,3,7)
9.50 €
660g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, ham, bacon, mushrooms, eggs
9.50 €
16, Pizza full of cheese(1,7)
8.90 €
590g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, smoked cheese, Niva cheese, Mozzarella cheese
8.90 €
17, Gyros pizza(1,7)
8.90 €
610g, cream, Mozzarella cheese, chicken gyros, bacon, onion
8.90 €
18, Pizza Cream delicacy(1,7)
8.40 €
550g, cream base, Mozzarella cheese, ham, bacon, Niva cheese, corn
8.40 €
19, Pizza Chicken(1,7)
8.90 €
620g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, ham, chicken, corn
8.90 €
20, Pizza Same masso(1,7)
10.50 €
670g, tomato base, Mozzarella cheese, ham, salami, bacon, sausage, chicken
10.50 €
21, Pizza sticks(1)
3.90 €
3.90 €
22, Pizza sticks filled with Mozzarella cheese(1,7)
5.50 €
5.50 €


Homemade chicken broth(1,9)
3.90 €
0,33l, with meat and noodles
3.90 €
Tomato soup(7)
3.90 €
0,33l, with Parmesan cheese
3.90 €
Bean soup(1,9)
5.50 €
0,4l, smoked meat and vegetables
5.50 €
Držková Stará Kotolňa(1)
5.50 €
5.50 €

Main dishes

Hunting ragout(1)
15.90 €
150g, of beef sirloin on oak trees with cranberries
15.90 €
Chicken sandwich with fries(1,7)
12.90 €
220g, chicken breast, burger dressing, bacon, cheddar, tomato, sausage
12.90 €
Fried veal steak(1,3,7)
15.50 €
15.50 €
Grilled salmon on butter(1,4,7)
15.50 €
150g, with herb butter and hollandaise sauce
15.50 €
Oak creamy risotto(7)
11.90 €
250g, white wine, Parmesan cheese and arugula
11.90 €
Fried Gouda cheese(1,3,7)
9.50 €
150g, with tartar sauce
9.50 €
Chicken breast
8.50 €
8.50 €
9.50 €
9.50 €
Grilled duck breast
14.90 €
14.90 €

Small meals

Strips from a pork doll(1,3,7)
9.90 €
150g, with sweet chili sauce
9.90 €